
Deliver your videos carefree - in any browser and on any device

Always a super smooth experience with Ivory Studio’s interactive video player

A smooth and seamless viewing experience is paramount, especially when it comes to interactive video. This way, the video you have so carefully created doesn’t lose any of its impact. Ivory Studio’s HTML5 interactive video player is specifically designed to play interactive videos – in any browser, on any device. Videos can be placed in all kinds of web environments with a simple embed code, so no need to install software to play them.

share video ivory player
ivory interactive video player

Branded video player

Easily add your company logo and align the design of the player with your brand identity to create a seamless experience.

Fast and reliable HTML5 player

Ivory Studio’s player is an HTML5 video player specially designed for playing interactive videos. Scene transitions, interactive overlays, multiple storylines or switchable camera positions: no problem whatsoever. And thanks to special video streaming technology, the player serves the most suitable video format.

Easy sharing

Whatever the purpose of your videos, the most important thing is that they reach your audience. With our interactive video player, you can share your videos on the platform of your choice. Regardless of whether that is a website, a customer portal or an e-learning environment.

Adaptive streaming

Always serves the best quality available, regardless of the strength and stability of the viewer’s internet connection.

Cross platform

Optimal browser compatibility and mobile friendly. Responsive embed, adaptive video versions (e.g. portrait mode for mobile).

Update while published

Optimisations you make are published instantly – even when your video’s embedded on your clients’ website or application.